Case Results
Explore Our Legal Successes and
Victories for Our Clients
Our Notable Case Victories
With any firm you choose, it’s important to consider their case results. These indicate what a firm is capable of, but they should not be a measuring stake for what you can expect in your case. Every case and every client is different, meaning that your settlement or verdict could greatly exceed the values you see below and they may not, depending on all of the circumstances in your case.
Personal injury
$3,000,000 – CAR ACCIDENT
US$ 3 millions for a car accident resulting in multiple injuries
Injured Upper Extremities
$900,000 – WORK INJURY
$900K for Construction worker who injured both upper extremities when staging collapsed on top of him.
Personal injury
$600,000 – CAR ACCIDENT
$600K for a car accident resulting in back injury
Foot Injury
$518,000 – SLIP AND FALL
$518K for medical technician who injured her foot in a slip and fall at work.
Back Injury
$375,000 – BACK INJURY
$375K for a merchant vice president who sustained a back injury when he tripped on a floor mat at work.
Back Injury
$264,000 – WORK INJURY
$264K for a medical technician who injured her back in a slip and fall at work.
Broken Hip
$225,000 – BROKEN HIP
$225K for van driver who broke his hip in a trip and fall at work.
Back Injury
$160,000 – WORK INJURY
$160K for CNA who injured her back when a patient knocked into her.
$140,000 – BURN ON ARM
$140K for a social worker who developed post concussive syndrome after falling out of her desk chair while at work.
Back Injury
$125,000 – WORK INJURY
$125K for a road worker who injured his back when a tire detached from a passing vehicle and struck him.
Hand Injury
$120,000 – WORK INJURY
$120K for 70 year old painter who injured his hand in a fall.
Foot Injury
$100,000 – FOOT INJURY
$100K for retail employee who injured her foot when she stepped into a hole in the floor while working.
Past Due Benefits
$100K in past due benefits for a prison guard injured while breaking up a fight between inmates.
Shoulder Injury
$83,000 – WORK INJURY
$82.5K for CNA who injured his shoulder due to repetitive use.
Torn Rotator Cuff
$80,000 – WORK INJURY
$80K for nurse who tore her rotator cuff while lifting a patient.
Hand Injury
$75,000 – WORK INJURY
$75K for industrial cleaner who injured his hand while cleaning out a meat grinder.
Back Injury
$75,000 – WORK INJURY
$75K for a construction worker who injured his back while lifting plastic tubing.
Back Injury
$60,000 – WORK INJURY
$60K for phlebotomist who injured her back when patient grabbed her.
Back Injury
$50,000 – WORK INJURY
$50K for delivery driver who injured his back when lifting a heavy box.
Back Injury
$50,000 – WORK INJURY
$50K for lumber worker who injured his back when he was struck by a piece of wood.
Thumb Injury
$33,000 – WORK INJURY
$32.5K for metal worker who injured his thumb when a table saw malfunctioned.
We serve communities
across Massachusetts
Medford Office
10 High Street, Suite 3 Medford, MA 02155
Medford Office
10 High Street, Suite 3Medford, MA 02155